Feeling Grateful

As we move out of Autumn 2024 and into winter, I wanted to look back on where I’ve been and look forward to where I’m going. The past year has had a lot of ups and downs, but I feel like I’m finally back on track.

For those of you who aren’t aware, I have hypothyroidism. You probably know someone who has it and probably don’t think of it as a big deal. It usually isn’t, but its still a chronic illness. Over the past year, I’ve been struggling. Depression and lethargy, fatigue, weight gain, muscle aches and pains, and just a lack of desire to do pretty much anything have taken over my life. I assumed it was all due to moving out of my house and back in with my mom. Routine is really important (even if I suck at it) so I thought it was par for course. After a doctors appointment earlier this year, I learned I was wrong.

Turns out, my thyroid wasn’t being corrected and I missed all the signs! Cheers to that – I’m usually so good at paying attention. I had to up my dose not once, but twice and I’m finally feeling a lot better. The most frustrating part? I was diagnosed at 7 and turned 35 this year, but I didn’t learn until the last month that muscle aches and pain were associated with hypothyroidism (they practically disappeared overnight). I also learned over the course of this project that even when I’m taking my medication like I’m supposed to, I still don’t have normal levels of energy or stamina. So, that’s cool.

All this to say – thanks for sticking with me! I’m proud of myself for sticking with it. Getting over the feelings of guilt and shame for not doing it faster or more regularly is tough, but I’m trying! I’m a messy person and that spills over into all areas of my life.

Then, as things were starting to feel right again, I got sick three times over the course of under 2 months. I never get sick so this was super weird. The days I was well it was so cold and the days I was sick it was so nice outside. It was a huge bummer. As you’ll see next week though, things have picked up and I’m so excited to share my progress!

As I look forward to big purchases and next projects, I have to say that I’m really enjoying where I’m at. For most of my life, I’ve been the person who wants to press ‘skip’ and just finally get to where I’m going. Whether that’s been owning a house or getting married or being done with college and firmly planted in my career, its all just been a stepping stone to “happily ever after”. This time, however, I no longer have those feelings. I’m enjoying everything about where I’m at right now, right now. Sure, we all have days where we’d really like the hard part to be over. Even on the hard days, though, I’m happy with my hard days.

Next up, I’m going to tackle my distributor. I have to purchase at least one battery and need two eventually. I think in the down time of the cold this winter, I’m finally going to sit down and assess my power usage. That will tell me exactly what I need for my power (and cross my fingers its on the lower side).

Thanks again for being here. I really appreciate each and every one of you! Keep an eye out for updates. Now that I have a much-needed new computer, I can finally edit some videos I’ve had stowed away. If you’d like to help out, check out my Patreon HERE.

Luv Lulu Signature

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