I Bought a Van

woman sitting in open side door of van looking out

Its everyone’s dream. Buy a van, leave your 9-5 behind and just go where the road takes you. Or at least that’s what I discovered when I was jokingly telling people I should buy a van and just live in it for awhile.

I can thank my niece for this. She was the one who found me a van to live in, after all. They say it takes a village and it certainly did. Also about a million small coincidences for me to actually take the leap, but here I am. I bought a 1973 Volkswagen Microbus. And I can’t express just how excited I am about that!

I don’t think its common knowledge, but I’ve been looking for one of these off and on for literal years. I’ve wanted a VW bus since I was a teenager (thank you That 70’s Show?) but it was never something I truly thought would come to fruition. I don’t know pretty much anything about restoring classic vehicles and I certainly can’t afford a restored one (look those up if you haven’t, they are quite beautiful and quite expensive).

I’ve also been discussing tiny homes with my friends for years. I’ve been to tiny home festivals, ogled over tiny home feeds on IG, and daydreamed about design until I’m blue in the face. Until I freaked out one day because I couldn’t open my microwave because there were mixing bowls in the way because I didn’t have any place to put the mixing bowls because I live in a 550 square foot 2-bedroom house. We’ve all been there, right? Maybe?

Anyway, what started as a depressed daydream soon turned into a joked about possibility then transformed into a discussion with my friends who – I couldn’t believe it – ENCOURAGED me to buy a van and live out of it and this all ultimately landed me square into van ownership. There was a lot of him-hawing and despair about making a bad life decision, too.

But then I bought her.

And her name is LuLu.

Together, we are going to live the dream. We hope you follow along. We hope you join our community of Volkwagen lovers, van life dreamers, travelers, wanderlusters, and everyone in between! See you next time.

Luv Lulu Signature

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