Home Sweet Home

van overlooking water

The best part of moving into a new place is definitely making it feel like home. Setting up your things where you want them, putting up decorations on the walls and shelves, hanging curtains and placing throw pillows. Home isn’t about the stuff you keep in your house, but it’s what you do with your space that makes it feel like its yours.

Needless to say, my favorite part of this journey so far has been making LuLu feel like she’s all mine.

You can check out the video here and watch me start to set up house. See some of the finished touches over on Instagram.

Because LuLu is getting an overhaul, pretty much anything I do to her right now is temporary. I didn’t want that to stop me, though, so I have been adding touches that can be used and incorporated later. I’m a huge fan of Natural Life so pretty much everything has come from there.

I immediately put my sun visor up, along with a rearview mirror charm and a steering wheel cover. Her steering wheel is huge so I’m actually a little surprised that fit. They were originally purchased for my every day car but they fit LuLu too well to not be repurposed for her makeover.

Then, because I’m going to live in her, I put a blanket across her backseat to cover up the black upholstery. This blanket from Natural Life is super soft and has cute phrases all over it. I also added a garland of fake wildflowers and I have never been so in love before! I think they are going to be a permanent fixture. Finally, I added an adorable magnet to her backside that says “Kindness is Magic”. It really, really is.

With just those touches, she feels so much cozier. Believe you me, I’m dying to put curtains in her! Check out some inspo for the final look. Head over to the Contribute page if you want to browse my wishlist items on Etsy.

Luv Lulu Signature

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