Category: DIY
Project LuLu: VW DIY Visors
Re-doing LuLu’s visors was pretty fun! That’s not to say it wasn’t a master class in doing things even if you aren’t good at them. My DIY visors didn’t come out perfect, but given the price of new replacements, they came out good enough. The originals were quite crusty. Now I’m happy to say I…
Project LuLu: DIY Curtains
With the cold weather outside, I’ve been limited on the amount of time I can spend working directly on LuLu. I knew that would be the case, though, so I planned to work on indoor projects during the winter. With my rug complete, I got straight to work on LuLu’s very own DIY curtains. I’ve…
Project LuLu: DIY Van Rug
While I’ve been chipping away at the massive undertaking the floor has been, I’ve also been working on some more cozy indoor projects. One of those side projects was making this DIY van rug for LuLu. The van life is all about outdoor living. Especially when you have such a tiny van, you want to…
LuLu Gets a New Floor – Part 1
LuLu is getting a new floor! Here, I’ll be talking about what I’m doing. In Part 2, I’ll show you what tools and methods I used. First off, I needed to prep her floor for floor covering. I’m always nervous about needing to undo my projects, so I don’t want to permanently put the floor…
Project LuLu: Replacing Door Seals
Any time you see rust, that’s a sign of pooling water. Fix the rust but don’t address the water problem, and you’re just putting a band-aid on the issue. The solution? Replace the rubber seals. Eventually, I plan on replacing all of them. Everythings costs, though, so I’m doing it piece by piece. The most…
Project LuLu: Sound Proofing
This was a project long in the making. Well worth it, though. I recently received a monetary donation from a friend that allowed me to start on this project. The money went toward buying sound dampening sheets that adhere to the body of the vehicle. I’m sound sensitive so sound “proofing” the engine compartment was…
Starting Problems
Hopefully the end of the saga, we finally discovered what may have been the source of LuLu’s starting problems all along. If you’ve read about what it took to get her home or about our first trip, you know the kinds of trouble LuLu has been having. It seems every time I drive her anywhere,…
LuLu’s Pop-up Boutique Sale
Last weekend we had a sale to raise funds for travel and van build expenses. This is something I absolutely loved planning and doing. My other passions fall heavily in the creating-things-and-selling-them category, as well as fun photo opportunities. A pop-up boutique sale allowed me both! Our sale was set up as a pop-up style…
Project LuLu: Rust Bucket
Old cars get rust. That’s pretty standard across the board and thankfully, LuLu only has cosmetic rust. I still have to make sure it doesn’t spread, and eventually I want to get her a paint job, so my first big project is fixing her rust. For the most part, there is really only one spot…