Category: Travel
How to Have the Best Travel Experience
Everyone has a different style of travel but everyone wants to have the best travel experience possible. Personally, I like to do as much and see as much of a locale as I can. That means for me, “vacation” isn’t necessarily the relaxing experience that you might think it is. Here I’ll tell you how…
Travel Goals – Massachusetts
It’s been awhile since I’ve written down some travel goals, so welcome back! I struggle making good lists when I’m not feeling inspired, so when the inspiration hits I must put metaphorical pen to paper. That’s exactly what happened when I started planning a birthday trip to Salem, MA for Halloween. Rather unfortunately (but not…
Travel Goals – Wisconsin
We’re jumping straight into the deep end for this one and starting off talking about cheese! Nothing is as infamous about Wisconsin as cheese, so of course everyone needs to get their cheese on when visiting the state. Wisconsin Cheese Obviously, there are so many different places to find cheese, but these are some tried…
Travel Goals – Rhode Island
I absolutely love making these lists for small states. Everything is so compressed into a small space that I can visit a higher concentration of places. It makes it so easy to get a great scope of the state as a whole. This time I’m focusing on the smallest US state, Rhode Island! What was…
2023 Solar Eclipse
The magic of the eclipse is something to behold, whether it be a solar eclipse or a lunar eclipse. In 2017, I drove to Wyoming to see the solar eclipse in its totality. I stood in a field while the sun was covered and was able to experience twilight in the middle of the day.…
Travel Goals – South Dakota
I don’t usually do Travel Goal posts back to back, but since the Dakotas are the first pair of states I’m writing about, it just felt right! I also found a few times that while I was exploring things to do in North Dakota, people would consistently mention South Dakota. They each deserve their own…
Travel Goals – North Dakota
A few factors made today’s post different than the other states I’ve created travel lists for. First, North Dakota is one of the 5 least populated states in the US and second, unlike some other less populated states, North Dakota is neither small (looking at you, Vermont) nor densely covered with National Park sites. In…
Spend a Day in White Sands National Park: Itinerary
White Sands National Park is one of several national park sites in New Mexico. It’s a beautiful sight to behold and honestly, quickly climbed to one of my favorite national parks. Here is my White Sands itinerary to help you plan your visit! Depending on the time of year you go, you should expect to…
White Sands National Park – Alamogordo, New Mexico
White Sands National Park is located in Southwestern New Mexico about 50 miles North of Las Cruces, or about 90 miles from El Paso, Texas. It is a collection of white dunes made of gypsum sand. The color of the sand has contributed to the evolution of several white subspecies of animal that are only…
Travel Goals – Washington
Washington is a state loved by many for obvious reasons – beautiful coast, gorgeous mountains, lush greenery, bigfoot. Right along with the other Pacific Coast states, this one will be a true gem to visit! Bigfoot Washington isn’t the only state (by far) to have bigfoot sightings, but it is the most common place to…