Category: Travel

  • Travel Goals – California

    Travel Goals – California

    I’ve been to California before. Three times, actually. Not for very long and not for very far, but the San Diego area is lovely. I took a January dip in the Pacific (very cold as you’d expect, but absolutely necessary). I’ve seen whales and dolphins off the coast. Laguna beach was absolutely stunning. I’ve driven…

  • Travel Goals – Arizona

    Travel Goals – Arizona

    I’ve been to Arizona the least of all the southwestern states. I’m really excited to go back and actually spend any length of time. Now, I know the Grand Canyon is a huge draw and I’ll go back (I’ve been once, briefly), but I’m actually super excited to see the Saguaros at Saguaro National Park.…

  • Travel Goals – New Mexico

    Travel Goals – New Mexico

    The fun thing about the American Southwest is that I’ve been there. Not “been there, done that” been there, but I’ve spent time enough in each state that going back I get to get more in depth in my exploration. I’ve been to New Mexico more than any other state outside of my home state…

  • LuLu’s Test Drive

    LuLu’s Test Drive

    I can’t believe I never told the story of LuLu’s test drive – especially with how we got her home, it seemed maybe it was doomed from the start! I’ll let you decide what you think. Personally, I think the universe was looking after me. It was my niece who found LuLu for me. Then,…

  • Travel Goals – Back to Utah

    Travel Goals – Back to Utah

    Let me preface this with saying I am so excited to go back to Utah! Making this list was actually pretty hard. Utah is the first state I’m planning to visit (spoiler alert: hopefully in February). The American Southwest is ripe with National Parks and Monuments so trying to parse out those so I have…

  • Travel Goals – Vermont

    Travel Goals – Vermont

    Maybe I’ll go to see the changing leaves in Vermont and I’ll leave with a husband. That’s how that works right? It doesn’t have to be Christmas to find a husband, does it? I’m going to be honest when I say that in my head, I essentially clump all of those northern states together. Maine,…

  • Travel Goals – Louisiana

    Travel Goals – Louisiana

    There’s so many things to do in this world and so many places to visit. I’m hoping to check off the lower 48 off my list while I’m on my journey (so far I’ve been to 8 states including Colorado). Today, I want to talk about the state of Louisiana and all that I’m excited…

  • Travel Plans

    Travel Plans

    I feel wanderlust in my soul. I love to travel and I’ve barely even gotten my toes wet. That’s a feeling at the core of my van life journey, and I think all van lifers can relate. Honestly, we can all relate I’m sure. For me, the journey is the destination. It’s going to be…