Category: Van Living

  • Its Not About Living In a Van

    Its Not About Living In a Van

    When you live in a house, much of your time at home is spent in the house. You make your meals in your house, you watch TV in your house, you go to the bathroom in your house, you clean your house, you spend time with pets in your house…and I could go on! But…

  • WWOOFing: How to Stay at Bucket List Locations for FREE

    WWOOFing: How to Stay at Bucket List Locations for FREE

    Today’s blog is a follow-up to last weeks blog in which I told you about the different options you have for finding places to stay on the road. If you haven’t read that one, check it out here for a list of all your options. This time I wanted to focus more on WWOOFing, what…

  • Finding a Place to Stay While on the Road

    Finding a Place to Stay While on the Road

    So, you’ve decided you’re going to hit the road, but now you’re tasking with finding a place to park yourself and rest. There are really quite a number of options for folks who are looking to get away for a weekend or a season (or longer) and sometimes making your way through them can be…

  • How to Manage Your Mental Health During Your Build

    How to Manage Your Mental Health During Your Build

    Building your rig can be tough. Social media doesn’t do a great job with showing you that side of it but it really can be taxing, both physically and mentally. Lets talk about what focusing on your mental health looks like and how to make sure you’re staying healthy while building your dream van! As…

  • I Attended the Van Life Summit!

    I Attended the Van Life Summit!

    The Van Life Summit is a virtual conference that is put on each year by Project Van Life. The past few I’ve forgotten to register or I’ve missed it because of my work schedule, but this year I was finally able to attend. When it came up in my email, I instantly knew I had…

  • So You Want Buy a Van: A Guide to Finding the Right Fit for YOU

    So You Want Buy a Van: A Guide to Finding the Right Fit for YOU

    There are many things to consider when buying a van. There is even more to consider when finding the right van for your lifestyle. When you are trying decide what van to buy, its important to think about how much space you’ll need, what kind of budget you have, and how your van is going…

  • A Look Ahead, 2024

    A Look Ahead, 2024

    Happy new year to my LuLu family! I took some time to myself and now I should be back to regular posting. The holidays are always so busy and I have a new (great) niece, so its been a whirlwind! I couldn’t be happier with the new addition to the family, and we’ve been spending…

  • Life Update

    Life Update

    Hello, LuLu community! You may have been wondering where I’ve been recently, as I haven’t had a new post in a few weeks. Some big life changes have been happening, so I wanted to give you all an update on me, LuLu, and all things van life! In my last update, I left you with…

  • Hard Choices

    Hard Choices

    It’s about a year and a half into LuLu’s journey and I find myself at yet another fork in the road. With the onset of August, its time to decide if I’m going to head on my journey this fall/winter, or postpone until next spring. I really, really don’t want to wait until spring! I…

  • How to Make Friends (Introvert Style)

    How to Make Friends (Introvert Style)

    Making new friends is scary and despite what you might think, its really outside of my comfort zone. That’s where life happens, though – outside your comfort zone. I recently visited White Sands National Park and along the way, I added two new friends to my community! On my way through New Mexico, I stopped…