Category: Van Living

  • What I’ve Learned So Far – Growth

    What I’ve Learned So Far – Growth

    LuLu’s van build is so curious. It feels like I’ve been working on her for so long without any progress, and at the same time, like I can’t believe its been less than a year and I’ve made so much progress! If you asked me when I bought her where I’d be right now, its…

  • Van Life: Combatting Homelessness

    Van Life: Combatting Homelessness

    When we talk about van life, it usually conjures up imagery of some luxurious van that some couple bought sitting on a beach while they play in the sun. It’s the ultimate “I live on vacation” fantasy. No need to work, just travel. The simple life is at your finger tips. But what if I…

  • Everything All at Once

    Everything All at Once

    When I sat down to write today’s blog, I had to reflect on where we are and where we’ve been. Usually, I break things up into little bite sized pieces, but it feels like there are so many things coming together right now all at once that I don’t think I can do that. LuLu’s…

  • What I’ve Learned So Far (Part 3)

    What I’ve Learned So Far (Part 3)

    I cannot tell you just how excited I was when I finally learned how to close LuLu’s sliding door and I feel so proud each time I successfully close it. I still haven’t been able to lock it, though I was unable to get out one day. You could say opening the door from the…

  • It’s Real, Now

    It’s Real, Now

    I’ve felt like I’ve been floating on a cloud for months now. But as projects get done, the reality of my endeavors is starting to set in! I’ve been doing more timeline planning as my tentative departure date approaches and I am getting more excited (and more antsy) by the day. We are squarely into…

  • What I’ve Learned So Far – Being a Celebrity

    What I’ve Learned So Far – Being a Celebrity

    I’m definitely not a celebrity. As far as LuLu goes, however, even people who are unaware of our recent social media presence absolutely love her. I can’t blame them because I absolutely love her, but it has been a learning moment about interacting with people and what it means to be noticed. If you’re familiar…

  • I Got My First Van Gift!

    I Got My First Van Gift!

    I first heard about the idea of van gifts when I was watching a van life video about how to receive mail when you’re constantly moving. When I thought about it, it kind of made sense. So many people want to participate and be involved, that I created a way for people do that. Options…

  • What I’ve Learned So Far (Part 2)

    What I’ve Learned So Far (Part 2)

    I should have known I’d be writing part 2 really soon after part 1, but I didn’t except this soon! There’s lots to learn on this journey. I figured out why I didn’t know how to lock LuLu’s front door. The locking mechanism is on the actual handle itself, but at some point the handles…

  • Our First Trip (Engine Fire)

    Our First Trip (Engine Fire)

    At least LuLu didn’t explode. That’s what I’ve been telling myself. At least I didn’t blow myself up. I say that with a smile. Not because I’m happy that LuLu caught on fire, but I do find it comical that this is my existence. That “I didn’t explode today” is the bar. And hey, we…

  • The Photo Shoot

    The Photo Shoot

    This was one of those moments where life hands you something completely unexpected. I’m completely in awe to have had an opportunity like this and I’m so thankful for it. We had a full photo shoot and it was so much fun! Let’s rewind to Thursday. I was scrolling through Facebook as one does when…