Great news – LuLu has finally departed on her trip to get rewired! It’s been months in the making and not without its own set of struggles, but its time! The day came and the day went and we are officially on our way to having new wiring.
Of course, I couldn’t do it without some amazing people in my life stepping up to help. We’re also not on plan A or plan B this time, but you know what? I think plan C is just fine. Originally, we were driving her to destination. When she wouldn’t start, however, we had to change plans. That pushed our date back by a whole month! Quite unfortunately, that means its already 2 months past my anticipated departure.
This time, we didn’t even bother trying. I rented a dolly and we decided to just tow her instead. That means the two of us (me and the friend who is helping me rewire) had to get a running start to push her onto the trailer. I’m definitely more excited than nervous, but I’m actually hanging back to tend to some other things and I’ll be following at a later time. It’s really odd to not have her in the driveway after so long of working on her almost every day!

During this time, she’ll be getting a new wiring harness, a headlight switch (when you don’t have an aftermarket relay installed, this is where the starter runs through), ignition switch wiring and coil, and a new fuse box. We’ll also be making the accommodations for the accessory battery, the solar panel and inverter, and the pump for the sink. The new wiring should fix her starting issue, thankfully!
Needless to say, I’m beyond excited to not only start this chapter, but to be done with it, too! Afterwards, I’ll finally be able to take her wherever and whenever I want!

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