The Coolest Thing I’ve Done in Each State

It’s time to reflect on where I’ve been and I thought what better way than to reminisce on the coolest things I’ve done in each state I’ve been to. I’ve currently driven through 11 states and while I haven’t spent a lot of time in each one, I still thought it would be a fun exercise! Keep in mind – I don’t necessarily think these are the penultimate cool thing in each state so you’ll want to keep following my adventures here on A Bus Named LuLu to hear my bucket list recommendations.


I’m a Colorado gal through and through, born and raised here and I love the state. This one was tough for me because I like to think I’ve done a lot of cool things here! I think the top of my list is probably spending the night at Strawberry Park Hot Springs. This is definitely a Colorado Bucket List essential and I urge anyone who wants to visit the hot springs to stay overnight. Their accommodations are downright adorable and having access to the hot springs overnight is truly a must!

bucket list item Strawberry Park hot springs during the day
Photo via


Admittedly, I haven’t spent a lot of time in Nevada. I’ve driven across the state once and I’ve flown there once and both times was a little underwhelming. A caveat – I’m not much of a Las Vegas type of person and that’s where I spent the majority of the time not driving. Nonetheless, Area 15 and specifically Meow Wolf Omega Mart were absolutely fantastic. I could’ve spent hours at Area 15 and I did spend hours at Omega Mart.

New Mexico

New Mexico is another hard choice because aside from Colorado, I’ve spent the majority of my time here. My first trip was when I was 17 or 18 and I took the train from Colorado to Albuquerque. I’ve also spent time here for a family reunion and have been to several cemeteries. The top of the list, and this will come as a surprise to no one, is Carlsbad Caverns National Park. More specifically, the bat flight program. It was absolutely mesmerizing and this is another one of those bucket list items!

bucket list carslbad caverns
Me inside Carlsbad Caverns National Park


After having a road trip cancelled on me, Arizona has been strictly a drive through state. I loved some of the scenery and was terrified when we had to go through a border patrol checkpoint. The highlight of my time spent in Arizona? I saw my first (and only) javelina! The other two people who were in the car with my couldn’t have cared less but it was surely an exciting moment for me. It was such a quick glimpse, too, as the headlights flashed over it as we rounded a bend. I’ll never forget my little buddy, though, and one day I’ll make it back to Arizona and hopefully meet more buddies!

javelina in natural habitat in tucson arizona


I’ve been to Southern California on three different occasions. I’ve been to a few beaches and I jumped into the Pacific in January (brrr!). This one was pretty easy though, mostly because I saw a nudibranch. During my first visit there, we walked the beach and went through some tide pools. That was my first experience with them and they were really enchanting.

The beach in San Diego where I found a nudibranch, photo by me


Wyoming is again, a drive through state. I’ve driving through the state multiple times and I lived not too far from the Wyoming-Colorado border for a little while, so I made my way there for lunch a few times too. Its way over-hyped for what it is, but I’d have to say the coolest thing I did in Wyoming was visit Little America. There are dozens of billboards along the highway hyping it up so you know I had to stop. We got a 50 cent ice cream cone but its fun to say I’ve been there.


The Spiral Jetty almost won Utah but how could I not pick Arches National Park? My visit there has by far been the best road trip and best national park trip I’ve ever been on, so naturally I had to choose it. I don’t even think I can pick a singular arch. Visiting Arches National Park is truly an adventure and hands down so cool. It is definitely to be added to your bucket list, whether or not you decide to hike to delicate arch (pictured below).

bucket list arches national park photo of delicate arch
Me under delicate arch, Arches National Park


I’ve spent only a small amount of time in Nebraska so I can’t speak much to the state. I did, however, see my very first burrowing owl here and that is also super cool (if you’re me).


I’ve been across Kansas and back and I hate to say that my favorite part of Kansas was Missouri. Though I never made it those additional 4 miles across the border, the eastern part of Kansas is gorgeous. I hold firm to my belief that Kansas cows are lazy, as every single cow I’ve seen there has been laying down, but thankfully that’s not the coolest thing I’ve seen there. Osage oranges are so bizarre looking and they seem to be everywhere almost immediately after you cross the border from Colorado to Kansas.


I’m including Oklahoma because I have driven through and I have stopped. I even got hit on in the parking lot of a gas station. That aside, the Oklahoma panhandle had some creepy vibes to it. Something about it that I can’t put my finger on…is it serial killers? Ghosts? Native American burial grounds? Stolen land? I don’t know but it gave me the willies. Much to my increased despair, I also didn’t get to see an armadillo.


I’ve had a lot of fun in Texas. I’ll be making my third trip to El Paso this spring and each trip has been better than the last. The coolest thing I’ve done in Texas is not in the El Paso area, though, its in the Galveston area. Nope, not Galveston either (which I see often as a bucket list item). Its actually a ferry ride away. When I was in my late 20s, I spent about a week in Crystal Beach in a house on stilts just having a good time and celebrating my friends 25th birthday. It was everything I would want my life to be. The warm waters of the Gulf were, in my humble opinion, way better than the chilly Pacific. The air was warm so you didn’t have to cover up after getting out of the water. Just sun, sand, and the waves.

teal and white body of water wallpaper
Photo by Josh Sorenson on

That’s just the first 11 and I have so many more to go (39, to be exact)! Life isn’t about the destination, so I enjoy taking time to reflect upon the fun things I’ve done. This is just the start – there’s so much more adventure to be had. Come along with me?

Luv Lulu Signature

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