Travel Goals – Colorado

With my departure date quickly approaching, I decided I’m going to switch things up a little bit. Instead of immediately heading to my first destination state (New Mexico), I think I’m going to have a soft start here in my home state of Colorado. This will help me get my feet wet and also serve as a great way to see all my local friends before I head cross-country. Because I’ve lived here my whole life, this list of things to do is a little obscure. That’s in the sense of “if you could do anything in Colorado – why would you do that?” at least. For those that have seen the major attractions, this might offer a little more off-the-beaten-path vibes!

Colorado Bucket List


My first stop in Colorado is going to be the town of Sterling. If you haven’t heard of it, I’m not surprised. But there is a special reason for this – LuLu is getting rewired. I have an old friend who lives here who is graciously helping me with her rewiring, so I’ll be staying here while that gets done.

Sterling seems to boast all about their parks (either that, or there isn’t much else to do) so I’m going to spend some time enjoying those, including their tree walk. Apparently, someone carved like 20 trees and you can take a walking tour to see all of them. Sounds right up my alley.

Pawnee National Grassland is also nearby. I’ve been there once before, but I’m excited to check it out again. This is where my alma mater worked to re-introduce black-footed ferrets, so I hope to have the opportunity to spot some of these little fellows. I am also determined to see (and maybe photograph) some burrowing owls.

Fort Collins/Loveland

I lived in Northern Colorado for about 10 years, so I’m very familiar with it. I’m going to take the opportunity to visit one of my favorite places (probably a million times) – the Mishawaka. It’s one of my favorite places on earth. Lunch over the river is a must whenever I’m in the area. If you stop in – get the beef nachos and make sure to sit on the patio. SO good!

I’ve also never taken the chance to tour all of Loveland’s sculpture parks. There’s a million, and I’d love to do a photo-style scavenger hunt with all of the bronze statues there are to see. Of course, I’ll pop in and see my friend Kristen and maybe steal her away to hunt with me.

Denver Metro

With the metro area being host to anything and everything, there is no shortage of things to do while I’m in the area. Meow Wolf is first on my list to check out. I had such a lovely time at Omega Mart in Las Vegas that I’ll be checking out the OG in Santa Fe. Naturally, that means I have to visit Convergence Station before I leave Colorado.

I’ve driven near the Cherry Creek State Park a whole bunch, but I’ve never been, so I plan to take the time to visit. It looks absolutely gorgeous, especially so close to the city. Another beautiful location near the city is the infamous Red Rocks Amphitheater. I’ve hiked the area, but haven’t been to a concert there. I don’t know if it’ll be something I can achieve before I leave the state, but it’s something I’ll do at some point.

In the Littleton area, there is a host of lovely places I’ve never been. Chatfield State Park, Carson Nature Center, and Chatfield Farms, just to name a few. That’s a whole lot of hiking, soaking in the sunshine, and learning about nature and history. All things I love, of course. There’s museums abound, so I’ll check out some of those, too.

Colorado Springs

One thing I’m really excited about doing in this area is visiting Glen Eyrie Castle. I’d never even heard of it until a few months ago. Apparently, the have tea parties, and that sounds so cool.

Of course, there’s also Garden of the Gods to hike around and take in the scenery. I haven’t been to see Seven Falls since I was a kid, so I want to go check that out again. Probably take some time in Manitou Springs, and I’d like to try my hand at the Manitou Incline. Because that’s what people in Colorado do for fun!

brown rock formation near green trees
Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, CO
Photo by Alfo Medeiros on

Everywhere Else

I’ve been to the Royal Gorge, and its pretty cool, but what I haven’t done? Been ziplining over the Royal Gorge. Here’s to having the chance to do that! I’ve never been to the fossil beds that are in the area, so I’d like to check those out, too.

I’ve never been to Nederland and it seems to be quintessential Colorado. It’s not too far away from where I’ll be spending most of my time, so I should be able to make it there for a little while. For those who have never heard of Nederland, it is home to The Frozen Dead Guy, and as a result – Frozen Dead Guy Days. They’ve moved the event and I won’t be in town for it, but that doesn’t mean I can’t check out the weirdness that is the Frozen Dead Guy crypt! Nederland also has The Carousel of Happiness which almost seems like a trap, but I have to take the chance.

A few places that I probably won’t get to visit are all on Colorado’s western edge. Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, Dinosaur National Monument, Hovenweep National Monument, and Black Forest of the Gunnison National Park are all high on the list, but I don’t think I’ll make it at this part of my trip. I won’t rule it out and I will make it there at some point.

Keep your eyes peeled for my Colorado bucket list. It’ll be my first bucket list telling you where you should go if you’re ever in the area. Luckily, as a native, it should be pretty easy to put together!

Anywhere I’m missing? Where’s your favorite Colorado destination?

Luv Lulu Signature

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