I don’t usually do Travel Goal posts back to back, but since the Dakotas are the first pair of states I’m writing about, it just felt right! I also found a few times that while I was exploring things to do in North Dakota, people would consistently mention South Dakota. They each deserve their own blog, so if you haven’t read about North Dakota, check it out HERE
Overall, South Dakota is branded as much more of a “tourist destination” than North Dakota. I had to put in less work for South Dakota at first because it was so easy to get the big ticket items out of the way. There are more big ticket items, too! So, lets jump in and we’ll start with those. Make sure to read on, though, because that’s where the fun is!
Parks & Monuments
South Dakota has 7 national parks sites total. Of those 7, only 2 are shared. The Badlands of South Dakota are probably the most widely known, so visiting Badlands National Park is a must. Wind Cave is the other National Park that South Dakota boasts, so I’ll definitely be visiting. According to the NPS website, Wind Cave is one of “America’s oldest national parks [and] one of the longest and most complex caves in the world.” Competing in the same category as Wind Cave is Jewel Cave National Monument, with 215 miles of mapped tunnels.
In addition to the National Parks, practically everyone has heard of Mount Rushmore, which is a national memorial. Currently underway near the Mount Rushmore site is Crazy Horse Memorial. I don’t think it will be complete in my lifetime, but what a sight to see! The magnitude of it is probably the most impressive part of this site. I’ve heard others comment that Mount Rushmore isn’t worth it. Sometimes, though, you have to find the awe for something to be awe-inspiring. Like the sheer size of such a sculpture!

Of course, each state has its own state parks and monuments. South Dakota is no different. They have their own petrified wood park, which sounds super cool! My dad gave me a piece of petrified wood as a young kid and I thought it was the neatest thing. The Mammoth Site is a live dig site and one of the very few you can observe first hand. This is something that has fascinated me my entire life and its really cool you can see it in the field. Falls Park in Sioux Falls also looks like a great place to visit!
Growing up in the west, there is definitely a soft spot in my heart for “wild west culture”. Be it brothels, saloons, or boom towns, I think its all super interesting. Though technically designated as the mid-west, South Dakota has its share of wild west history. Part of experiencing that history is riding in a stagecoach. I’ve sat in one (because of course I have) but I’ve never ridden in one, and it sounds like a great time!
South Dakota is also the resting place of Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane, located in the infamous town of Deadwood. Deadwood, itself, has plenty to do. There’s the cemetery, of course, but you can also take candlelit tours of an old mine. You don’t get much cooler than that, right?
And what would this section be if I didn’t include Wall Drug? A very popular tourist destination, Wall Drug has a history rooted in a small town in the 1930’s and attracting tourists with free ice water. I’ll save you the history lesson (it’s really cute, you can read it here), but what more could someone want than some photo-ops, souvenirs, food, and some time out in the backyard? There’s enough to do at Wall Drug that it even has a map!
Somewhere on the edge of history is where you’ll find ghost hunting. I’m an avid procurer of haunted lore, so wherever I find myself, I’m apt to look into the paranormal. One such place (among many) is McLaughlin, SD. Its a ghost town! And by ghost town, no, I don’t mean the town is abandoned. The entire town is actually haunted!
McLaughlin boasts its very own version of the headless horseman – he lost his head after a car accident and now you can see him roaming around looking for it. If you enjoy a spooky ride, Little Oak Road is apparently haunted by a man who jumps into the road! Then there’s Jackpot Bingo Hall that is rumored to have been built over a cemetery. Employees reported hearing a baby crying and furniture moving at this location.
South Dakota is the first state I’ve seen separate their haunted locations into indoor and outdoor locations. I’m sure I’ve said this about at least a couple other states by now, but this state is also possibly the most haunted state in the United States. In addition to McLaughlin, you can visit Laura Ingalls Wilder’s former home, where Ma and Pa are rumored to haunt. There’s also a whole haunted castle you can not only tour but spend the night in! I don’t know what’s scarier – spending the night in a haunted castle or spending the night on a haunted castle’s grounds?

Sica Hollow is an area you can camp that appears to be haunted in the most outdoors kind of way. Recent visitors have reported hearing drums and seeing campfires that can’t be located. Bigfoot is also rumored to be spotted in this area along with Native spirits. Overall, it sounds above and beyond your typical haunting.
South Dakota Eats
Let me start by saying how much I love the culture of bread! Native American fry bread is no different, and honestly, is top-tier eating. So when I learned of wojapi – a Native American berry sauce that people eat on fry bread – say no more! I’m game! It was originally made of chokecherries and mashed into a pudding-like consistency. It doesn’t have added sugar, either, which I think sounds super tasty (especially on fry-bread).
Completely different culturally is another bread and fruit dish – kolache. This one is a Czech dish with a pastry surrounding a glob of fruit. It reminds me of a turnover that looks like a thumbprint cookie, but I’m really hoping it delivers on the fruit to pastry ratio!
That’s just a taste of what South Dakota has to offer. I’m excited to check it out and I’d love to hear your recommendations on where to go and what to eat. Comment down below and let me know what you think!

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