2022: A Year “Unbridled”

Each year, one of my dearest friends comes up with a word of intent for the 365 following days. I don’t know how many years now that we’ve done it together, but as intention goes, 2022 really lived up to its word.

unbridled definition unconstrained word of the year 2022

I decided on the word “unbridled” on January 3. This was well before I knew my year would take this turn. Unbridled is not to be confused with unhinged, mind you. Picture a horse, no saddle, no bridle, no reins. Now picture it galloping across an open field with it’s tail and mane flowing in the wind. That is the sentiment behind unbridled. That is the feeling I was hoping to harness this year. I wanted to do what I wanted to do – not because someone else was telling me I should, not because its cool, not because its not cool, but simply because I wanted to. Without worrying that people might think I’m crazy or that I’m weird. I’m both of those things and sometimes, I want to work hard and look pretty while doing it. Other times, I want to buy a van and travel across the country.

At the time, I clearly had no idea that I’d be typing up this article to post on my very own website to the entertainment of others. I had no idea just how unbridled I would feel this year. I’ll let you in on a secret – it feels wonderful. I feel more free now than perhaps ever in my life.

As the year comes to a close, there is a part of me that wants to keep the same word for next year. I don’t think my friend would accept that. I’ve been thinking about what word I should choose to follow up such a phenomenal year. This time, I think I want to capture the courage and bravery I’m having to pull from within me to set off on this adventure.

Any suggestions? Leave them down below! How was your 2022?

Luv Lulu Signature

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