The Photo Shoot

This was one of those moments where life hands you something completely unexpected. I’m completely in awe to have had an opportunity like this and I’m so thankful for it. We had a full photo shoot and it was so much fun!

Let’s rewind to Thursday. I was scrolling through Facebook as one does when I came across a post from a woman I met through work. It was asking if anyone in the area who has a “boho, retro, chill, hippie kind of vibe” would want some pictures taken. Me, myself…I love pictures, I love taking pictures, I love having pictures taken of me. I’ve never had that photography friend who just offers to take pictures of you though, so needless to say, my interest was piqued.

I silently contemplated if I fit that specific niche of vibe for several moments. Then, I realized the post was asking for couples, of which I am clearly not. I thought that was kind of funny, so I commented about my misinterpretation-guided self-reflection. A few comments later and I was connected with the photographer friend. She wanted to take pictures of me and LuLu!

After a few back and forth messages, we decided we would do it! She was only going to be visiting the area for about a week, so I would make the journey out of town just a few days later (you can read about our first trip here).

woman in black t shirt sitting at the back of a camper van
Photo by KoolShooters on

The photo shoot itself was really fun. Katelyn, the photographer, was really nice and super easy to hang out with. We originally planned to take photos at this overlook over Garden of the Gods but when we got there it was packed! There wasn’t a single parking place available, so our plans to use it as a backdrop with LuLu parked sideways definitely wasn’t going to work. We continued a little further and stumbled upon a construction only pull-off. Not to be deterred from our plans, we decided we’d use that as our location.

I’m all about finding fun where you find yourself. It was Sunday so we wouldn’t have to worry about actual construction traffic. Perfect. I did about 4 outfit changes on the side of the road. We brought in the ukulele. We had some flowers. It was a great time.

Here’s the really great part. We were on a particularly busy street and numerous people commented on both me and LuLu. There were two men who yelled out that they liked my van. There were multiple cars of women who yelled out that I looked amazing. I’m pretty sure one group of girls yelled out “yes, queen!” And sure, its silly, but its the best kind of silly. Its the silly that lifts you up. Its the silly that connects you to others, even if for a brief passing moment. For me, I have a story about this time I took pictures in a construction pull-off with onlookers telling me I look amazing. For them, they now have a story about the time they saw a random woman taking pictures with a VW bus on the side of the road so they called her a queen out the window.

I haven’t gotten the pictures back yet but I’m so excited to see them and I’m so excited to show them to you! I had such a fun time with our photo shoot. She said that I’d be able to use them here at A Bus Named LuLu, too. Make sure to follow us on Instagram @a.bus.named.LuLu to be the first to see those pictures and check out Katelyn’s photography @brightimagesphotog

Luv Lulu Signature

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