What I’ve Learned So Far (Part 2)

red fire extinguisher mounted on a wall
Photo by Akshay Ravi on Pexels.com

I should have known I’d be writing part 2 really soon after part 1, but I didn’t except this soon! There’s lots to learn on this journey.

I figured out why I didn’t know how to lock LuLu’s front door. The locking mechanism is on the actual handle itself, but at some point the handles were replaced (incorrectly, I might add) and so there is no locking mechanism. Fancy that, right? I was planning on getting her new keys, but that isn’t super helpful until I get her new door handles. Adding those to the wish list and putting the keys on hold.

If you read about our fire, then you also know that I learned that if you have a carburetor you should always carry a fire extinguisher. That was a rough lesson that I would’ve rather avoided learning, but thankfully we made it through with flying colors. I’m super thankful to whoever loaded her with a fire extinguisher in her past because it clearly came in handy! My next lesson is going to be to learn how to avoid that and prevent it from happening again. This was also a learning moment for the use of fire extinguishers. I’d never had to use one until this moment.

Unfortunately, I also learned that she has a rust hole in the floor of the back seat. Not a large hole and I should be able to fix it, but that was a bummer to find out. In that regard, I’m learning to fix rust, which is super cool and not something I ever thought I’d encounter! That means learning about rust remover, rust converter, and how to use Bondo (more on that later).

That leaves us with the most exciting lesson…I learned to drive her! And I’m better at getting her into reverse than pretty much anyone who has tried (see the video HERE)! That feels super good. Like yes, she’s mine. Yes, I can drive her. Until next time…

Luv Lulu Signature

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