Candidly speaking, I’ve never been good at making friends. That might surprise some of you, but its really quite true. Community is theme amongst my blogs about van life. Its something I’m very open about discussing as its very important to me.
The VW crowd is definitely a community. Not only does everyone love a VW, but those of us who are proud owners have our own quirkiness. Its innate, I’ve decided. I think you probably have to be a little on the quirky side to sign up for this! I’m still getting my feet wet, though. For example, while I’ve poured over posts over at The Samba, I’ve yet to create an account of my very own.
Just a few days ago, I essentially fangirled at the opportunity to meet the only person in my area I know to own a VW bus. I’ve seen him driving since just after I got LuLu. I’ve been wanting to meet the bus’s owner desperately, but haven’t been sure how to make that happen. But that goal became a reality when I was fortunate enough that he pulled into the gas station I was pumping gas at.
I pretty much panic-stopped pumping gas and all but ran over to him. He must’ve sensed it because he turned to look and I shouted out a “CAN I TALK TO YOU ABOUT YOUR VAN?!” Zero chill. But that’s okay because he was so nice!
We chatted for probably 20 to 30 minutes in the convenience store, talking about my bus and his bus. His is a 74 Brazilian model and he agreed that mine was probably a German model. I learned that the Brazilian models are essentially a frankenstein of leftover parts from German models. Just another fascinating thing about why these things are so fun. Then, I did something I’ve never done before.
I asked for his number.
Or rather, I offered to give him mine because helloooooo I can’t not be friends with the only other person I’ve ever personally met who owns a VW bus. He showed me the interior, recommended some website to get parts from, and recommended the book of all books for VW owners. I’m hoping maybe Santa will be a real gem and get me this and a few other van things this year. Its called “How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive” or more colloquially known as “the idiots guide”. It was written by a hippie on how to work on your van and apparently holds a lot of valuable information. Like, a lot a lot.

What was a brief experience was one of the most rewarding so far. I feel so lucky to have met him, and honestly, to have been bold enough to approach a stranger and strike up conversation! He even offered to help me out with some of the mechanics. I haven’t texted him yet, but I will soon. One more amazing moment on the books and I’m so fortunate.
Any tips for making friends in the wild?

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