Category: Van Living
What I’ve Learned So Far (Part 5)
I have learned so much since Part 4! About myself, my friends, LuLu…you name it, I probably learned it. With learning, comes wisdom! That was about 2 months ago and since then I’ve slept in LuLu, worked from the road, and made leaps and bounds of progress with her. I learned that you can’t open…
What I’ve Learned So Far – Fostering Relationships
It’s no secret that this journey is very focused on creating and fostering relationships and community. With a few weeks spent away under my belt, I’ve had some really lovely moments that I’d like to share. First of all, I think I grossly underestimated how much I missed being around my friends. My love language,…
The Reality of Life on the Road
Last week was the first week that I worked fully remotely from somewhere that isn’t my home. With LuLu not fully ready to go yet, I stayed and worked out of a friends spare bedroom. I had a lot of fun, but it also was a nice trial run to get a feel for life…
First Night in My Van
I spent my first night in my van over the weekend. It was such a treat! The platform for my bed was one of the first things I assembled, simply because of the ease of the design. I finally put the legs on last weekend, though, so that meant she was sleep-ready! Keep an eye…
Helpful Van Life Apps for Your Next Adventure
If you’ve been along for the ride for the past year, you definitely know that I’m making this up as I go along. I wasn’t blessed with all the van life knowledge of the universe nor am I getting into this because I have friends who do it. That means I’m learning as I go…
First Day of Work[ing from Home]
My first day of working from home was not particularly exciting (and that’s probably for the best). I ended up having to wait an entire other month for my credentials for the hospital to be updated. What a month it was! So far, I’ve really enjoyed interacting with my coworkers. The work is just what…
Project LuLu – Did You Turn it On?
As anyone who has been following along knows, LuLu is a little stubborn. She usually only acts up for me, so it was frustrating when the day to finally get her rewired came and then promptly left (without new wiring, that is). A friend has graciously offered to help me rewire LuLu. This means my…
What I’m Packing: Clothes
With my departure date coming closer and closer, its time to make choices about what stays and what comes. Here’s the thing: I’m new at this! So I’ve been reading about what a good spread of clothes to keep with you is and what to do about packing clothes, and this is what I’ve decided…
What I’ve Learned So Far (Part 4)
LuLu, my 1973 Volkswagen Microbus, is the best learning experience I think anyone can have. “Anyone” meaning me, of course! The most shocking discovery for me has probably been this thing that looks like a tiny toilet in the back “seat” area. Take a look and tell me it doesn’t resemble that! I did some…
My Morning Routine – Working from Home
One of my favorite things about working from home is my brand new morning routine! I wrote previously I feel like I have this extra new found time that’s all mine and that’s even more the case with my new schedule. See, originally I was planning to be working from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.…